Vines Realty
Since 2016
We are your gateway to a wealthier Life…
Vines Realty is a leading real estate company, providing professional property marketing, consulting and development services for our diverse clients in the residential and commercial property markets.
At Vines Realty, we are committed to high standards of excellence and integrity. We bring our expertise to every project handled by our experienced team, providing a thorough, qualitative service in alignment with our clients’ Real estate needs.
Our Values
High standards and internal culture ,are a way of life. We Pursue Excellent service in everything we do
We keep our promise and are committed to doing business the right way
Seek Opportunities, to turn dreams of probabilities into possibilities
We are Responsible, committed and involved corporate citizen
The courage to shape a better future for all
Doing the right thing always, even when no one is watching
Together we make the dream work
Shared feeling because everybody needs somebody
Our Team

Udoh Oberaifo
Group, Managing Director

Nnena Ugwu
Head, Advisory Board

Bosede Adebayo
Human Capital Management Advisory

Femi Osalusi
Head of Operations

Chioma Uanserume
Head HR & Admin

Micheal Obiekwu
Account/ Finance Manager

Director's Note
VINES REALTY is a unit that could make a difference with its quality, competitively priced products and by driving immerse direct social impact for global Humanity. We firmly believe that “trust” is the key element in a customer relationship. We started Vines Reality believing that progress is always a distant reality and that customer satisfaction is essential to the success of an organization, making us the foremost real estate company at the forefront of digital transformation in Africa.
As a Humanitarian real estate brand, we champion the course for PanAfrican growth by investing in Africa and creating environmental support and awareness. We would like to thank our valuable prospects and staff who have relentlessly put in effort in bringing Vines Realty to a global recognition.VINES REALTY is a unit that could make a difference with its quality, competitively priced products and by driving immerse direct social impact for global Humanity. We firmly believe that “trust” is the key element in a customer relationship. We started Vines Reality believing that progress is always a distant reality and that customer satisfaction is essential to the success of an organization, making us the foremost real estate company at the forefront of digital transformation in Africa.
As a Humanitarian real estate brand, we champion the course for PanAfrican growth by investing in Africa and creating environmental support and awareness. We would like to thank our valuable prospects and staff who have relentlessly put in effort in bringing Vines Realty to a global recognition.