Investing in Land and properties is one of the best investment anyone will venture into. Lands are premium products that appreciates overtime. Some basic parameters that will determine your choice location for investing in Lands and Properties are:
Proximity of the area to development hence yielding high Returns on Investment, when you choose to resell.
Topography of the Area.
Understand if such area is prone to flooding.
Is it 100% dry land?
Title of the property
Are there plans for good drainage?
Accessible road to the property.
With Vines Realty you can now invest with peace of mind, because we create paths to giving you a wealthier life. Vines Realty has made life easier by providing:
Affordable lands and properties that are on dry lands
All our estates and properties are situated in choice locations in Lagos and also in areas where the beacon of developmental projects in Lagos has swung to.
All our property comes with Title.
All our estates comes with good drainages
All our estates are accessible.